Ways to get involved 

Become a Member

Nearly 1,600 Massachusetts residents have expressed an interest the work of Braver Angels by subscribing to the mailing list. Over 400 of them have already become members. Members are part of a national community of Republicans, Democrats and others of all political persuasions. We discuss our differences with civility and seek common ground. We are a grassroots family committed to fixing our broken politics.

Join us for as little as $12/ year. Joining at the national level automatically makes you a member within the state and your local alliance.


Braver Angels in Massachusetts provides all its workshops, trainings, and other events free of charge. If you support the mission and would like to donate on a one-time or monthly basis to help with costs for beverages, snacks, paper and pens, and other costs of communication and outreach, it would be most appreciated.  Use Field Org. Code 119 for Massachusetts when making the donation. 


The movement grows with you!

Massachusetts Braver Angels is an all volunteer organization with no paid staff.  Help is needed with events, outreach, communications, and operations.

Moderators Julien LaFleur and Rick Frazier, State Tech Lead Louise Kemprecos

Help with events and workshops

All events and workshops start with someone who agrees to plan and organize it. Organizing an event includes setting up the registration, working with the hosting organization and Braver Angels volunteers to pull together a successful event.  There are checklists, best practices and other resources to help keep you organized about organizing an event. Organizers are trained in the Braver Angels tools for running successful events. 

Braver Angels workshops and debates are facilitated by trained volunteers. Moderators and Debate Chairs are skilled in facilitating group discussions and have completed Braver Angels training.  While these event leaders may hold strong political viewpoints, they are able to check them at the door of the event to focus on ensuring the participants are engaged and heard. 

Training is free to members of Braver Angels.  When you have completed the training, you will be added to the list of trained volunteers and receive emails when volunteers are needed. We in Massachusetts ask you to volunteer for at least 1 event every 3-4 months. We encourage you to volunteer as often as you wish!

Want to wade into helping with events?

If you are not quite ready to commit to one of the event roles above, some other ways you can help:

Become an Alliance Co-Chair for your local community

Alliances are local groups of people who have participated in a Braver Angels workshop, are dues-paying members and want to keep the conversation going and find common ground within their communities. Each Alliance offers different events and discussions based on the input and interests of the group. 

Massachusetts is a big state with many opportunities for more Alliances!

Help with outreach and communications around the state